Part adventure, part archaeological detective work and part spiritual exploration, this three-part series follows storyteller Bruce Feiler on his inspiring 10,000-mile odyssey as he searches for traces of the great biblical heroes. Feiler travels by foot, four-wheel, camel and boat to re-create the journey he recounts in his best-seller, Walking the Bible. The series wanders through 10 countries on three continents, including volatile areas of the Middle East. Accompanying Feiler is Avner Green, one of the world’s leading biblical archaeologists. Dramatic scripture readings are interspersed throughout the three programs, bringing viewers closer to these Biblical settings. [PBS]
To understand the Bible better, Bruce Feiler traveled from Egypt to Jerusalem along the path taken by Moses with an archaeologist. As he passes the locations mentioned in the book, he talks about the stories, about the people currently living there and archaeological discoveries. One of the best travelogues I have read is now coming as PBS series on KQED TV. Here are the timings.